The College of Fine, Performing and Communication Arts of Wayne State University seeks a qualified candidate for appointment as Chair of the Department of Music.
Responsibilities include leadership of the faculty in developing, maintaining, and enhancing the undergraduate and graduate curricula; implementation and oversight of departmental budget, personnel, and program policies and goals; development of and active participation in department and college fundraising activity, grant and external funding solicitation; participation in faculty, student, and community affairs; teaching in the area of expertise as appropriate; continuing personal scholarly/creative and professional activity; leading departmental efforts in recruitment, mentoring, and retention of faculty, staff and students; and leadership in enhancing faculty productivity, creativity and scholarly activity. Rank and salary is competitive and dependent on the experience and qualifications of the successful candidate.
Qualifications: An appropriate terminal degree in Music, significant artistic and/or scholarly achievement, teaching and professional activity to warrant appointment to a tenured rank. Preferred qualifications include a distinguished record of scholarly/creative work. Other preferred qualifications are experience in academic administration, leadership and organizational skills, budget and fund-raising experience, experience with NASM accreditation policies and processes, and demonstrated commitment to building a diverse faculty and student body.
All applicants must use the WSU Online Hiring System at, referring to posting #040343. Required: letter of application; curriculum vita; and names, addresses, and contact information for at least five references. No additional supporting materials at this time. Applications remain open until the position is filled. The search committee will begin reviewing applications on December 5, 2014.
Dr. Lee Wilkins, Chair Music Chair Search Committee College of Fine, Performing and Communication Arts 5104 Gullen Mall Wayne State University Detroit, MI 48202 313-577-2959 /
313-577-0500 E-mail: Lee.Wilkins at
Wayne State University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity Employer. Minorities and Women are especially encouraged to apply.